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Bottleneck Settings Window

Bottleneck Settings is where you can customize appearance, configure Filters and change Benchmarks.
To access Bottleneck Settings, go to Window > Project Scan > Bottleneck Settings


Project TypeSpecify whether your game/application is 2D or 3D, this will be used for some of the tests.
Show SidebarIf false, the sidebar of Bottleneck Scanner will be hidden.
Show Results’ CategoriesIf false, Result Categories will not be displayed.
Show Results IDIf true, Result ID will be displayed. This is good if you want to refer to a result when talking on forums or when contacting a support.
Objects List Width %Specifies the width of Affected Objects. 100% will stretch to the whole width of a window. It’s recommended to keep it somewhere below 50%
Objects List HeightSpecifies the height of the Affected Objects. Good to keep the height stable to avoid bloating Results Panel.
Skin ModeThis option enables you to force a skin style: Pro or Light. However, it’s highly recommended to leave this option as it is.


Enable Benchmark SettingsIf set true, Benchmark Settings will be considered for the next test.
Max Occlusion Culling Bake AgeSpecifies, in hours, how old is occlusion culling is acceptable for your project.
Maximum distance the furthest GameObjectSpecifies, in units, how far away GameObject can be to be considered “Lost”.
Max Rigidbodies per SceneSpecifies how many rigidbodies can you have per single scene.
Max Texture Size TargetSpecifies acceptable “Max Size” a texture can be.
Max UI Components per CanvasMaximum number of UI components that can be allowed per Canvas.


Excluded File ExtensionsFile extensions which are going to be ignored during the next scan.
Excluded File PrefixesFiles with given prefixes are going to be ignored during the next scan. By default, all Project Scan scripts will be ignored (they all have a “PS_” prefix).
Excluded FilesSpecified file names will be ignored during the next scan. Be sure to include file extension as well. (E.g. “house.fbx”).
Excluded GameObject TagsAllows you to specify a tag to ignore all GameObjects that use it.
Project DirectoriesAllows you to exclude special folders from being scanned. Useful if you want to avoid scanning third-party plugins.
Scene ModeIf set to All Open Scenes, all GameObjects from both the active and open scenes will be included in the scanning process.


This section doesn’t contain any settings to play around with, but rather actions that affect settings from other sections. You can reset specific sections or reset everything.

Reset GeneralResets all settings located in General Section.
Reset BenchmarksResets all settings located in Benchmarks Section.
Reset FiltersResets all settings located in Filters Section.
Delete DataDeletes ALL settings and deletes all collected results from Bottleneck Scanner.