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Type Conversion

After formula resolves a value, RockTomate tries to do a conversion if target type and resolved type are not the same. It can do conversion simple as from string to int or as complicated as string[] to int.

This article goes into full detail on what to expect from converted values. A conversion between types string and int will be used as an example but this applies to many other common types.

On the left hand-side is the resolved value type and on the right hand-side is the target type. Target type is a type expected by the formula as requested by the input field of the Step.

string and int

string to intstring will be parsed to be of type int
int to stringint will be converted to string

string[] and int[]

string[] to int[]Each individual item will be parsed to int type and placed into an collection of type int[]
int[] to string[]Each individual item will be converted to string type and placed into an collection of type string[]

string and string[]

string[] to stringFirst item of the initial collection will be returned
string to string[]Resolved value will be put into an collection of type string[]

string[] and int

string[] to intFirst item of the initial collection will be parsed into type of int and returned
int to string[]Resolved value will converted to string and put into an collection of type string[]

string and int[]

string to int[]String will be parsed into type int and put into collection of type int[]
int[] to stringFirst item of the array will be converted to string and returned