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Version: 2.0

Entrance Effects

Modules can have various entrance effects.

Fade In Effect

Fade In Effect causes the target Module to gradually appear in the scene.


Specifies the fading speed of the Module.

Can Interact

If set to false, Module cannot be interacted with (e.g. Popup button will be disabled) until the Fade In animation ends.

Floating Effect

A continuous effect that makes the Module float.


Module's floating speed.


Direction of floating

HorizontalHorizontal floating (as seen in the gif above)
VerticalVertical floating
Diagonal LeftDiagonal left floating
Diagonal RightDiagonal right floating

Float Pattern

Specifies the type of float pattern of the effect.

SineUses a Sine Wave pattern.
SquareUses a Square Wave pattern.
TriangleUses a Triangle Wave pattern.
CustomUses a custom wave as defined in Unity Animation Curve window.

Scale Pulsing Effect

A continuous effect that constantly pings the width and height of the target Module.


Scale pulsing speed

Width Range

Specifies how far should the width of the Module stretch both outwards and inwards

Height Range

Specifies how far should the height of the Module stretch both outwards and inwards